Here in Virginia, there are various fungal diseases that can infect lawns, causing serious damage to the grass and dragging down the curb appeal of homes. One of the most prevalent lawn diseases in our area is dollar spot. This lawn disease can be characterized by small, dollar-coin-sized patches of dead grass. As dollar spot spreads, it can damage large portions of a lawn, causing significant damage if left unchecked. If you suspect your lawn is infected with dollar spot, you'll want to reach out to lawn care professionals immediately to schedule a curative treatment. Once the disease has been dealt with, there is a chance that your lawn will require some care to help it recover. You can schedule lawn care services like lawn fertilization, aeration, and overseeding to help restore your lawn to peak condition.

What is dollar spot and what kind of damage can it cause?

A dollar spot found on our potential client's lawn in Fairfax, VA.

Dollar spot is a lawn disease that is commonly found on lawns here in Virginia. This disease can be identified by small spots of dead grass on a lawn that are usually around the size of a dollar coin, hence its name. As the disease progresses, the spots can start to merge, resulting in large patches of dead grass throughout a lawn. This disease can not only cause grass to turn brown and die, but can also produce a toxin that can sink down into the soil and damage the roots of the grass, leading to more significant, long-term damage.

If dollar spot has infected your turf, schedule curative lawn disease control treatments right away!

If you suspect that dollar spot has infected your turf, it's imperative that you reach out to a professional lawn care company right away to deal with it. When you do, they will come out to your property to inspect your grass, and they'll be able to confirm if your lawn is infected with this disease. If it is, they'll be able to administer curative lawn disease control treatments to eliminate this fungal disease so it can't continue to cause damage to your grass.

There are preventative treatments available that you can sign up for to ensure this lawn disease never gets the chance to infect your grass!

Help your lawn recover from dollar spot by scheduling lawn care services like lawn fertilization, aeration, and overseeding.

While scheduling curative lawn disease control treatments is a great way to eliminate dollar spot from your lawn, it can't reverse any damage that was already caused. Luckily, there are some lawn care services that you can schedule to help your turf recover from this disease, including:

  • Lawn Fertilization - Fertilizer treatments are packed full of nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These nutrients will provide your grass with everything they need to recover from a lawn disease.
  • Aeration - Aeration is the process of pulling small plugs of soil from your lawn to loosen compaction and make it easier for nutrients and other resources to reach the roots of your grass. By scheduling this service after your lawn was infected with dollar spot, you will make it easier for the roots of your grass to access and absorb everything they need to recover.
  • Overseeding - This service involves spreading grass seeds on your existing lawn. These seeds will fill in any bare or patchy areas that were caused as a result of dollar spot with new grass!

Give us a call today to schedule our lawn disease control service.

If your lawn is infected with dollar spot, we are the company to turn to! At Hambleton Lawn & Landscape, we offer curative lawn disease control treatments that can stop this fungal disease in its tracks so it can't cause further damage to your turf! We also offer lawn care services that you can take advantage of to help your grass recover. We offer our lawn disease control service to homeowners in Arlington, Falls Church, McLean, VA, and throughout the surrounding areas. Give us a call at (703) 532-4911 to schedule this service today!